May You Live Well

Dwyer Haney on Happiness, Homesteading, and Cultivating a Well-Lived Life

Alexa Owen Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode we welcome traveler, homesteader, and entrepreneur Dwyer Haney to the podcast. Dwyer and I met over a decade ago when we ski raced in the same conference in college and since then he’s lived a pretty incredible life that includes living internationally, solo sailing down the coast of the Americas for 2 years, and now building a homestead in northern Vermont. Dwyer discusses his upbringing and how the confidence instilled in him by his parents that he can learn and accomplish whatever he sets out to do has shaped his pursuits in his adult life—as well as why he learned to sail and how this journey connected him more deeply to nature and a sense of awe. Plus we get Dwyer's take on happiness, interdependence, and building a homestead and fulfilling life. For more on Dwyer’s past and present projects, be sure to check out the links in the show notes!

In this episode we discuss: 

  • Dwyer's upbringing in New Hampshire and building the confidence to try new things
  • Landing his dream job as a ski quality engineer for Black Diamond
  • Moving to China for his job and working 18-hour days
  • What inspired Dwyer to leave his job and live on a sailboat for 2 years
  • Awe and the humbling effects of different landscapes
  • Dwyer's most intense and life-threatening experiences during his voyage
  • Connection to nature as a spiritual experience
  • Dwyer's 37 days alone at sea during his passage from the Galapagos to Chile and  how this offered deeper insight to sense of self
  • The connections between interdependence, happiness, and self-actualization
  • Dwyer's transition from sailing life to homesteading
  • The goals of homesteading and how things work at Bending Birch Homestead
  • Time affluence and letting of of wearing the busyness badge of honor
  • Delayed gratification in building a home and a life
  • Dwyer's top advice for setting out to accomplish whatever it is you want to do
